Taking FreeRTOS as an Example, How to Separate the Kernel from the Application? (Physical)
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Taking FreeRTOS as an Example, How to Separate the Kernel from the Application? (Physical)

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When it comes to embedded systems, separating the kernel from the application is crucial for a well-structured and efficient system. In this article, we’ll take FreeRTOS as an example to explore how to physically separate the kernel from the application, making your system more modular, scalable, and maintainable.

Why Separate the Kernel from the Application?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s understand why separating the kernel from the application is essential. Here are a few compelling reasons:

  • Modularity**: Separating the kernel from the application allows you to develop, test, and maintain each component independently, making it easier to modify or replace either part without affecting the other.
  • Scalability**: By keeping the kernel and application separate, you can scale your system more efficiently, as each component can be optimized and customized independently.
  • Portability**: A physical separation enables you to port your application to different platforms or kernels with minimal modifications, reducing development time and costs.

Understanding the FreeRTOS Architecture

FreeRTOS is a popular open-source real-time operating system (RTOS) designed for embedded systems. Before we separate the kernel from the application, let’s take a brief look at the FreeRTOS architecture:

  |  Application  |
  |  FreeRTOS Kernel  |
  |  ( Scheduler,    |
  |   Task Management, |
  |   Interrupt Handling) |
  |  Hardware Abstraction  |
  |  Layer (HAL)        |
  |  Hardware (Microcontroller,  |
  |   Peripherals, etc.)     |

In this architecture, the FreeRTOS kernel provides the necessary services for task management, scheduling, and interrupt handling. The application layer uses these services to interact with the hardware through the Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL).

Physical Separation of the Kernel and Application

To physically separate the kernel from the application, we’ll create two distinct projects: one for the kernel and another for the application. This approach ensures that each component can be developed, compiled, and linked independently.

Step 1: Create a Separate Project for the Kernel

Create a new project in your preferred Integrated Development Environment (IDE) or editor, and add the following directories:

  |-- include/
  |-- src/
  |-- Makefile

Copy the FreeRTOS kernel source code into the `src` directory, and create a `Makefile` to compile and link the kernel.

Step 2: Create a Separate Project for the Application

Create another project in your IDE or editor, and add the following directories:

  |-- include/
  |-- src/
  |-- Makefile

Write your application code in the `src` directory, and create a `Makefile` to compile and link the application.

Step 3: Define the Interface between the Kernel and Application

To communicate between the kernel and application, we need to define an interface. Create a header file `kernel_api.h` in the kernel’s `include` directory:

  // kernel_api.h
  #ifndef KERNEL_API_H
  #define KERNEL_API_H

  #include "FreeRTOS.h"

  void kernel_init(void);
  void kernel_start_scheduler(void);

  #endif /* KERNEL_API_H */

This header file provides the necessary function declarations for the application to interact with the kernel.

Step 4: Implement the Interface in the Kernel

In the kernel’s `src` directory, create a new file `kernel_api.c` to implement the interface:

  // kernel_api.c
  #include "kernel_api.h"

  void kernel_init(void)
    // Initialize the kernel

  void kernel_start_scheduler(void)
    // Start the scheduler

Implement the necessary functions to initialize the kernel and start the scheduler.

Step 5: Use the Interface in the Application

In the application’s `src` directory, include the `kernel_api.h` header file and use the interface functions:

  // app.c
  #include "kernel_api.h"

  int main(void)

    // Application code

    return 0;

Use the interface functions to interact with the kernel, and write your application code as needed.

Benefits of Physical Separation

By physically separating the kernel from the application, you’ve achieved the following benefits:

  • Modularity**: You can develop, test, and maintain the kernel and application independently, reducing the complexity of the overall system.
  • Scalability**: You can scale the kernel and application independently, making it easier to optimize and customize each component.
  • Portability**: With a clean interface between the kernel and application, you can port your application to different platforms or kernels with minimal modifications.


In this article, we’ve explored how to physically separate the kernel from the application using FreeRTOS as an example. By following these steps, you can create a more modular, scalable, and maintainable system. Remember to define a clear interface between the kernel and application, and keep each component separate to ensure a clean and efficient system.

By applying these principles, you’ll be well on your way to developing robust and reliable embedded systems that meet the demands of modern applications.

Keyword Relevance
FreeRTOS High
kernel separation High
physical separation High
embedded systems Moderate
RTOS Moderate

Word Count: 1046

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Frequently Asked Question

When it comes to embedded systems, separating the kernel from the application is crucial for efficient development and maintenance. Take FreeRTOS as an example, let’s dive into some pressing questions on how to achieve this physical separation.

What is the main reason for separating the kernel from the application in FreeRTOS?

The primary reason is to ensure the kernel remains untouched and unchanged, while allowing the application code to be modified, updated, or replaced without affecting the kernel’s functionality. This separation enables a more modular and scalable design, making it easier to maintain and update individual components without compromising the system’s overall stability.

How do I physically separate the kernel from the application in FreeRTOS?

You can achieve physical separation by placing the kernel and application code in separate directories or folders. This way, the kernel’s source code can be kept intact, while the application code can be modified and updated independently. Additionally, using a build system like CMake or SCons can help manage the separation by specifying different build targets and configurations for the kernel and application.

What are some common techniques used to interface between the kernel and application in FreeRTOS?

Some common techniques used to interface between the kernel and application include using APIs, function callbacks, and message queues. These mechanisms enable the application to interact with the kernel without accessing its internal implementation details, ensuring a clear separation of concerns and reducing dependencies between the two.

How do I handle kernel configurations and dependencies when separating the kernel from the application in FreeRTOS?

To handle kernel configurations and dependencies, you can create a separate configuration file or header that defines the kernel’s settings and dependencies. This file can be included in both the kernel and application code, ensuring that the kernel’s configuration is consistent across the system. Additionally, using a dependency management system like CMake or pkg-config can help manage dependencies and ensure that the kernel and application are built with the correct configurations.

What are some benefits of separating the kernel from the application in FreeRTOS?

Separating the kernel from the application in FreeRTOS provides numerous benefits, including improved modularity, scalability, and maintainability. It also enables easier debugging, testing, and updating of individual components without affecting the entire system. Furthermore, this separation simplifies the development process, as developers can focus on specific components without worrying about the system’s overall complexity.