Unlocking the Power of Custom Directives: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Custom Directive on Input Type GraphQL DGS
Image by Larrens - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of Custom Directives: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Custom Directive on Input Type GraphQL DGS

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Are you tired of being limited by the standard directives provided by GraphQL? Do you want to take your GraphQL schema to the next level by creating custom directives that cater to your specific needs? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the world of custom directives and show you how to create a custom directive on input type GraphQL DGS.

What are Custom Directives?

In GraphQL, directives are used to provide additional information to the GraphQL query executor. They can be used to modify the behavior of a query, mutation, or subscription. Custom directives, on the other hand, allow you to extend the functionality of GraphQL by creating your own custom directives that can be used to solve specific problems or cater to specific use cases.

Why Use Custom Directives?

Custom directives provide a way to add custom functionality to your GraphQL schema without modifying the underlying GraphQL system. They can be used to:

  • Implement business logic that is specific to your application
  • Integrate with external services or systems
  • Optimize performance by reducing the amount of data transferred
  • Enhance security by adding additional validation or authentication

Creating a Custom Directive on Input Type GraphQL DGS

Now that we’ve covered the basics of custom directives, let’s dive into the process of creating a custom directive on input type GraphQL DGS.

Step 1: Define the Directive

The first step in creating a custom directive is to define the directive itself. This involves creating a new class that extends the `GraphQLDirective` class.

import { GraphQLDirective } from '@graphql-tools/utils';

class UpperCaseDirective extends GraphQLDirective {
  name = 'uppercase';

  description = 'Converts the input value to uppercase';

  // Define the arguments for the directive
  args = {
    onlyOnCreate: {
      type: 'Boolean',
      defaultValue: false,

  // Define the visitInputObject method
  visitInputObject(inputObject: InputObject) {
    // Get the input field
    const inputField = inputObject.getFields()[0];

    // Get the input value
    const inputValue = inputField.value;

    // Convert the input value to uppercase
    const uppercaseValue = inputValue.toUpperCase();

    // Return the modified input value
    return uppercaseValue;

Step 2: Register the Directive

Once the directive is defined, we need to register it with the GraphQL schema. This can be done using the `addDirective` method provided by the `GraphQLSchema` class.

import { GraphQLSchema } from 'graphql';

const schema = new GraphQLSchema({
  // Define the types and resolvers for the schema

schema.addDirective(new UpperCaseDirective());

Step 3: Use the Directive

Now that the directive is registered, we can use it in our GraphQL schema. Let’s create a simple GraphQL type that uses the `@uppercase` directive.

type Mutation {
  createBook(title: String! @uppercase): Book!

Step 4: Test the Directive

Finally, let’s test the directive by creating a book with a title in lowercase.

mutation {
  createBook(title: "this is a test") {

The response should be:

  "data": {
    "createBook": {
      "title": "THIS IS A TEST"

Benefits of Custom Directives on Input Type GraphQL DGS

Custom directives on input type GraphQL DGS provide a number of benefits, including:

  • Improved Code Reusability: Custom directives allow you to reuse code across different parts of your GraphQL schema.
  • Faster Development: By providing a way to abstract away complex logic, custom directives can speed up development time.
  • Enhanced Flexibility: Custom directives provide a way to extend the functionality of GraphQL without modifying the underlying system.
  • Better Maintenance: By encapsulating business logic within custom directives, you can make your code easier to maintain and update.

Common Use Cases for Custom Directives on Input Type GraphQL DGS

Custom directives on input type GraphQL DGS can be used in a variety of scenarios, including:

Use Case Description
Validation Custom directives can be used to validate input data against specific rules or constraints.
Data Transformation Custom directives can be used to transform input data into a specific format or structure.
Authentication and Authorization Custom directives can be used to implement authentication and authorization logic for specific fields or types.
Integration with External Services Custom directives can be used to integrate with external services or systems, such as APIs or databases.


In this article, we’ve covered the basics of custom directives on input type GraphQL DGS and provided a step-by-step guide to creating a custom directive. We’ve also explored the benefits and common use cases for custom directives. By leveraging custom directives, you can take your GraphQL schema to the next level and build more powerful and flexible APIs.

Remember, the possibilities are endless when it comes to custom directives. With great power comes great responsibility, so use your newfound knowledge wisely!


For more information on custom directives and GraphQL, check out the following resources:

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Custom Directive on Input type GraphQL DGS” in HTML format:

Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to your burning questions about custom directives on input types in GraphQL DGS!

What is a custom directive in GraphQL DGS?

A custom directive in GraphQL DGS is a way to add custom functionality to your GraphQL schema. It’s a special type of annotation that can be used to decorate types, fields, and arguments, allowing you to implement custom logic and behavior.

Why would I want to use a custom directive on an input type?

You might want to use a custom directive on an input type to validate user input, transform data, or perform some other kind of custom processing. For example, you could use a custom directive to validate an email address or to truncate a string to a certain length.

How do I define a custom directive on an input type in GraphQL DGS?

To define a custom directive on an input type in GraphQL DGS, you need to create a new class that extends the `GraphQLDirective` class. You’ll then need to register the directive with the GraphQL DGS framework and apply it to the input type in your schema.

Can I use a custom directive on multiple input types?

Yes, you can use a custom directive on multiple input types. Just apply the directive to each input type in your schema, and the custom logic will be executed for each one.

Are custom directives on input types compatible with other GraphQL tools and frameworks?

Custom directives on input types in GraphQL DGS are compatible with other GraphQL tools and frameworks, as long as they follow the GraphQL spec. However, you may need to do some additional configuration or customization to get everything working together seamlessly.