Is there a way to tell TypeScript that an external type has additional properties?
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Is there a way to tell TypeScript that an external type has additional properties?

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TypeScript, the superset of JavaScript, is an amazing tool that helps developers catch errors and improve code maintainability. However, when working with external libraries or modules, you might encounter a situation where you need to tell TypeScript that an external type has additional properties. But, how do you do that?

The Problem

Imagine you’re working on a project that uses a third-party library, let’s call it ” AwesomeLibrary”. This library has a type definition for a class called “AwesomeClass” which has a few properties, but the library authors didn’t include all the properties in the type definition. You, being the curious developer you are, go ahead and inspect the library’s code or documentation and discover that there are indeed more properties available. The question is, how do you tell TypeScript about these additional properties?

By default, TypeScript will only consider the properties defined in the type definition, and if you try to access the additional properties, it will throw an error. This can be frustrating, especially if you’re working with a large library or a complex system.

Meet the ` declaration merging`

TypeScript has a feature called “declaration merging” which allows you to extend or modify existing types. This feature is exactly what we need to solve our problem.

Declaration merging is a process where TypeScript takes multiple type declarations and merges them into a single type. This allows you to augment or modify existing types to better fit your needs.

Augmenting External Types

To augment an external type, you’ll need to create a new type declaration that extends the original type. Let’s go back to our “AwesomeClass” example. Suppose the original type definition looks like this:

// node_modules/@types/awesome-library/index.d.ts
declare class AwesomeClass {
  public foo: string;
  public bar: number;

You can create a new type declaration file, let’s call it “awesome-extensions.d.ts”, and add the additional properties:

// awesome-extensions.d.ts
declare module 'awesome-library' {
  interface AwesomeClass {
    public baz: boolean;
    public qux: string;

In this example, we’re using the “declare module” syntax to tell TypeScript that we’re extending the “awesome-library” module. We then define an interface that extends the original “AwesomeClass” type and adds the new properties “baz” and “qux”.”

Using the Augmented Type

Now that we’ve created the new type declaration, we can use the augmented type in our code. Let’s say we have a file called “main.ts” that imports the “AwesomeClass” from the “awesome-library” module:

// main.ts
import { AwesomeClass } from 'awesome-library';

const awesomeInstance = new AwesomeClass(); = 'hello'; = 42;
awesomeInstance.baz = true; // TypeScript will now recognize this property
awesomeInstance.qux = 'fooBar'; // TypeScript will also recognize this property

In this example, TypeScript will recognize the additional properties “baz” and “qux” without throwing an error. The augmented type is now part of the TypeScript type system, and you can use it throughout your project.

TypeScript Configuration

To ensure that TypeScript picks up the new type declaration, you’ll need to update your “tsconfig.json” file to include the “awesome-extensions.d.ts” file:

// tsconfig.json
  "compilerOptions": {
    // ... other options ...
    "typeRoots": ["node_modules/@types", "./types"],
    "types": ["awesome-extensions"]

In this example, we’re telling TypeScript to include the “awesome-extensions.d.ts” file in the type checking process. The “typeRoots” option specifies the directories where TypeScript should look for type declarations, and the “types” option specifies the specific type declarations to include.

Best Practices

When augmenting external types, it’s essential to follow best practices to avoid conflicts and ensure maintainability:

  • Use a separate file for type augmentations: Keep your type augmentations separate from your regular code to avoid clutter and make it easier to manage.
  • Use a descriptive name for your type augmentation file: Choose a name that clearly indicates the purpose of the file, such as “awesome-extensions.d.ts”.
  • Be careful when augmenting types: Make sure you understand the implications of adding new properties to an existing type. Avoid adding properties that might conflict with future updates to the original type.
  • Test your code thoroughly: Verify that your code works as expected after augmenting the type. Test for both valid and invalid scenarios to ensure that TypeScript is correctly enforcing the type rules.


In conclusion, augmenting external types in TypeScript is a powerful feature that allows you to extend or modify existing types. By using declaration merging and following best practices, you can ensure that your code is maintainable, flexible, and correct. Remember to carefully consider the implications of augmenting types and test your code thoroughly to avoid unexpected issues.

TypeScript is an amazing tool that helps you write better code, and with the right techniques and knowledge, you can unlock its full potential. So, go ahead and augment those external types with confidence!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the lowdown on how to deal with external types that have more properties than you bargained for in TypeScript!

Can I tell TypeScript that an external type has additional properties?

Yes, you can! One way to do this is by using the `interface` keyword to extend the external type. For example, if you have an external type `User` from a third-party library, you can create an interface that extends it with additional properties: `interface CustomUser extends User { additionalProp: string; }`. This way, you’re telling TypeScript that your custom type `CustomUser` has all the properties of `User` plus the additional one.

But what if I don’t want to create a new interface?

No worries! You can also use the `type` keyword to create a new type alias that includes the additional properties. For example: `type CustomUser = User & { additionalProp: string; }`. This approach is useful when you don’t want to create a new interface, but still want to add properties to an existing type.

What if the external type is a class, not an interface?

In that case, you can use the `declare` keyword to create a new class augmentation. For example: `declare class User { additionalProp: string; }`. This tells TypeScript that the `User` class has an additional property, even if it’s not defined in the original class.

Can I use these approaches with JavaScript files that don’t have type definitions?

Yes, you can! TypeScript allows you to create type definitions for JavaScript files without explicit type information. You can create a `.d.ts` file that defines the types for the external JavaScript file, and then use one of the approaches mentioned above to add the additional properties.

Are there any limitations or gotchas to keep in mind?

Yes, there are some limitations to keep in mind. For example, if the external type is a class, you may need to use the `declare` keyword to create a class augmentation, as mentioned earlier. Additionally, if the external type is from a third-party library, you may need to make sure that your custom types don’t conflict with any future changes to the library. Just be mindful of these limitations, and you’ll be golden!